Terraform for loops
Hashicorp Vault Notes
Azure Keyvault Notes
Kong Notes
Different ssh keys for multiple github repos
Kubernetes Stateful Set Dns
Terraform loops with templates
AKS imagePull authentication to Azure Container Registry
JQ select
Escaping quotes in Terraform
K8s Executable ConfigMaps
Go interfaces
Run, and exec into, a kubernetes pod on the fly
OSX Firewall CLI
JWT Token generation and verification using PKI
Generating an RSA keypair in PEM format
General purpose admin GUI for relational databases
Brigade CI setup
Writing json to vault via the vault cli
Terraform - breaking down complex interpolations into steps
View Kubenetes events in time order
Get the egress address of a Kubernetes cluster
Terraform from scratch
Providing values for a Terraform helm_release
Terraform IF/ELSE
Terraform - outputs from disabled resources
Prometheus blackbox exporter
Override entrypoint in docker compose
Load testing Gitea
Kubernetes persistent volumes
Kubernetes nginx-ingress upload size
curl tips
Redirect output from multiple lines (group) in a script
bash options parser
xargs stuff
check TLS endpoint with mutual auth enabled
Here documents (heredoc) tips
linux - quick group, user account and sudo setup
split a tar archive
git - authenticating to google cloud source repos
awk tips
kubelet logs
How does a K8s pod has access to the API server
Sort kubernetes events
using etcdctl
Pod environment vars from configmap
Helm service account and related clusterrolebinding
Brigade dependencies
Kubernetes device mapper out of space - pod stuck in ContainerCreating state
Hitting kube-proxy directly with curl to get container logs
Kubernetes Ingress de-mystified
Kubernetes - serviceaccount authentication tokens
ssh tunneling (localport)
show progress when uploading with curl
programatically enable and disable individual crontab entries
Remove whitespace from a string in bash
An example splunk dashboard XML
splunk regex
Configure IBM's ikeycmd tool to support CMS
Passwordless openssl
bash shell shorthand conditionals
Using grep to show lines adjacent to the search string
Access tomcat manager from remote host
Set up an ELK stack (CentOS)
bash option parser
Filter Git events within a Jenkinsfile
Vagrant provisioning scripts
Vagrant and AWS
What IP's are on my subnet?
port scanning
Linux: one-liner group, user account and sudo setup
Find which process is listening on a port with LSOF
Obtain information about installed packages on CentOS and Ubuntu
Unable to login via SSH with password - can login with ssh key and can su
Accurately determine the number of CPU cores for a Linux machine
login to existing docker container as root
Transferring Docker Images between host machines
Nginx - alias vs root
Gitflow workflow
Installing a specific version of a yum package
Finding out which yum package contains a specific binary
Accessing yum from behind a corporate proxy
Delete jenkins builds using curl
Adding new RPM's to an existing yum repo
Set up a local yum repository
PM2 notes
Authenticate to an internal npm repository
Pull Docker images from behind a corporate proxy - TLS Trust
Adding Linux users via ssh
storing git credentials