Terraform loops with templates
One use case for looping in terraform is if you need to provide a list of values. The example below shows the installtion of the nginx-ingress Helm chart to a Kubernetes cluster. In this particular case we’re setting up TCP Services which requires a list of one of more arguments. We could just as easily provide a values file however the technique show below deomonstrates the use of a templating and looping nicely
resource "helm_release" "ingress" {
count = 1
name = "ingress"
repository = "https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/"
chart = "nginx-ingress"
namespace = "foo3"
values = [
set {
name = "controller.ingressClass"
value = "bobtest"
tcp_services = split(",",var.tcp_services_string)
tcpServicesConf = <<-EOT
%{ for line in local.tcp_services ~}
%{ endfor ~}
variable "tcp_services_string" {
default = "8080: default/example-svc1:80"
When running:
terraform apply \
-var="tcp_services_string=4092: workflow/kcp-cp-kafka-0:9092,4093: workflow/kcp-cp-kafka-1:9092,4094: workflow/kcp-cp-kafka-2:9092" -auto-approve
The folling values are produced:
4092: "workflow/kcp-cp-kafka-0:9092"
4093: "workflow/kcp-cp-kafka-1:9092"
4094: "workflow/kcp-cp-kafka-2:9092"