Different ssh keys for multiple github repos
Let’s say I’m contributing to Github projects at work and I’m also contributing to Github projects that are not work related. In all likelyhood I’ll do this using different Github accounts, however I may be working on the same machine for both work and personal projects for convenience. With this in mind, I need a way for my git cli to automatically detect which SSH key to use depending on the project.
For the pusposes of this example we’ll use the following fake Github projects
For these projects, I’m using 2 different SSH keys, one for each project
To ensure that my git cli uses the right key, I have to do two things…
First, I setup mhy ~/.ssh/config like this:
Host github.com-work
HostName github.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_work
IdentitiesOnly yes
Host github.com-personal
HostName github.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal
IdentitiesOnly yes
This basically says… for git remotes with a host alias of This basically says…
- for git remotes with a host alias of github.com-work, the git cli should use the ~/.ssh/id_rsa_work SSH private key
- for git remotes with a host alias of github.com-personal, the git cli should use the ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal SSH private key
So what’s a git remote alias?… You can find this out by running git remote -v in any local git directory. For example
git remote -v
origin git@github.com-personal:bobclarke/bobclarke.github.io.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com-perosnal:bobclarke/bobclarke.github.io.git (push)
This (for me) was a bit confusing at first because the github.com-personal part wasn’t a proper hostname. Then I relaised it didn’t need to be, it just needed to match the Host field in ~/.ssh/config, where it is matched to the actuall Github hostname with the HostName field.