check TLS endpoint with mutual auth enabled
#!/bin/bash script_path=$(dirname $0) log_owner=jxadmin log_group=wasadmin apps=$(find /usr/websphere/liberty/*/*/wlp/usr/servers/myproject*/apps/expanded -name '*.war' | grep -v sample | awk -F/ '{print $(NF)}') this_host=$(hostname -f) for app in $apps do path=$(find /usr/websphere/liberty/*/*/wlp/usr/servers/myproject*/apps/expanded -name $app) basepath=$(dirname $path) bootstrap_props=${basepath}/../../ standard_overrides=${basepath}/../../configDropins/overrides/standard_overrides.xml https_port=$(cat $standard_overrides | grep httpPort | awk -FhttpsPort=\" '{print $2}' | cut -d \" -f 1) context_root=$(cat $bootstrap_props | grep context-root | cut -d = -f 2) log_dir=$(cat $bootstrap_props | grep applicationLogDir |grep -v \# | cut -d = -f 2) log_file=${log_dir}/check_endpoints.log touch $log_file chown ${log_owner}:${log_group} $log_file timestamp=$(date +%d/%h/%y_%H:%M:%S) { echo -e "${timestamp}\nAPP: ${app}\nPORT: $https_port\nCONTEXT ROOT: $context_root"; echo -e "Requesting https://${this_host}:${https_port}${context_root}/info"; curl -q -k https://${this_host}:${https_port}${context_root}/info --cert ${script_path}/cert.pem --key ${script_path}/key.pem; echo -e "\n"; } >> $log_file 2>&1 done
to extract the certs
/usr/websphere/his/java/8.0/jre/bin/ikeycmd \ -DADD_CMS_SERVICE_PROVIDER_ENABLED=true -cert -export -label \ default -db plugin-key.kdb -stashed -target \ /tmp/key.pkcs12 -target_pw password -target_type pkcs12
to convert to PEM format using openssl
openssl pkcs12 -in key.pkcs12 -clcerts -nodes > all.pem